
Frequent questions

Do you ship abroad?

Yes! TS-DISTRIBUZIONI ships all over the world completely for FREE, wherever you are

How long does shipping take?

Your order will be shipped within 24 hours immediately after payment

You will usually receive your order in a couple of days maximum.

Sometimes shipping may be slightly delayed due to Christmas holidays or special events such as Covid-19

How do I place an order?

Choose the items you want and click the "Add to Cart" button to reserve your product.

Then click the "Checkout" icon at the top right to view your cart and click "Checkout" again to proceed and arrive at a page where you can apply the discount codes.

Immediately afterwards, you will be asked to provide your details to confirm the order.

Where is my order?

If more than a week has passed and you still have not received your order, which is unusual and has never happened before, please contact us here

We will reply as soon as possible with all the details

What payment methods are accepted?

We can accept every single existing credit card and of course PayPal

I have another question, how can I get help?

For any type of request you can contact us here and our customer service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, will contact you as soon as possible