In remote times the Borsci, originally from the Caucasus, moved to Albania following political upheavals. A branch of the family, following the hero Giorgio Castriota Scanderbeg, moved to Puglia and way back in 1840 in the small town of San Marzano di San Giuseppe the liqueur maker Giuseppe Borsci, inspired by an ancient recipe inherited from his ancestors, perfected and began to produce his Elixir has placed the words "Oriental Specialty" together with the double-headed eagle on the historic yellow label since its origins. Thus was born the San Marzano BORSCI elixir “the most sensual of flavours”. • The unique liqueur with an unmistakable aroma, versatile like no other. • It is drunk neat as a digestive, in summer it is served with ice and soda or in cocktails. • In cold climates it is ideal for the preparation of invigorating "punch". • Delicious on ice cream, delicious in coffee or milk, excellent in pastry making.
1lt format
Alcohol content 34%