We obtain one of our best wines from Sentani di Primitivo grapes. From the same grape we obtain this grappa with amber tones and a soft and elegant taste, a true concert of sensations in which the notes of ripe fruit, cocoa and vanilla are made elegant and velvety by the refinement in wood.
Grape variety: Primitive.
Origin of the pomace: Obtained from the racking of Sentani Primitivo di Manduria DOP
Distillation period: First half of October.
Distillation system: Discontinuous with steam current copper boilers.
Refinement: In 225 liter oak barrels for 10-12 months.
Visual sensations: Clear, amber.
Olfactory sensations: Large, enveloping, with great personality. Splendid concert of sensations in which ripe fruit (apricot, morello cherry), cocoa and vanilla stand out.
Tasting sensations: Soft, elegant.
Gradation: 40% vol.